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Teething Puppies: Tips & Tricks

Puppy teething can be a trying time for pet parents. Pain caused by teething often leads our adorable companions to chew on things they shouldn't - like your brand new pair of shoes for example. Here are a few suggestions from our Leighton vets on how you can help relieve your puppy's teething pain and get you both through this difficult stage.

Why is My Puppy Chewing on Everything and Biting Me?

Puppy teething can cause your fur baby to chew on anything and everything they can wrap their jaws around. But it's important to try and stay calm and remember that your pup isn't trying to be naughty, they are trying to relieve the pain and discomfort they are feeling. It just so happens that chewing on your favorite belt may be the perfect thing for making your pup's mouth feel better.

When Do Puppies Start Teething and For How Long?

Breeds vary somewhat but puppies typically get their first set of teeth at about 5 - 6 weeks of age. At around 16 weeks old your pup will begin to lose their needle-sharp baby teeth and their adult teeth will begin to appear.

By the time your dog is about 6 - 7 months old, they should have all 42 of their adult teeth, and teething should be a thing of the past.

That said, those 4 - 5 months of intense teething can be a real struggle for many dog owners. As puppies looking to find relief from the pain will often chew on almost anything they can find, and because of their small stature that can often mean furniture legs, expensive footwear, or even your feet or fingers.

So what can you do to help relieve your little furry friend's discomfort and protect your valuable belongings? Here are a few suggestions we have compiled.

Teething Tips

Store Some Puppy Friendly Teething Toys in the Freezer

Much like teething babies, puppies often find that chewing cold or frozen items helps to relieve teething pain. While there is a range of teething-specific toys available from most pet stores almost any dog toy can be frozen to help provide relief for your pup. Kongs, rubber bones, and dog-specific soft toys are all great options.

Edible Teething Sticks for Puppies

Many reputable dog food brands offer edible puppy teething treats and bones to help relieve your fur baby's mouth pain. Your vet may recommend one specifically for your little dog or you can pop by your local pet store and choose from a range of flavors and sizes. Be sure to choose the right size for your pup so they will gain the most benefit from the teething treat you choose.

Healthy Frozen Foods For Puppies to Chew

Many puppies enjoy tasty treats such as frozen bagels, frozen carrots, or other healthy veggies. If you are planning to offer your pup frozen food always speak to your vet first to ensure it's a good option for your pup.

If Your Puppy Keeps Biting You

Nipping and biting are how puppies play. When one puppy bites another too hard the hurt pup will let out a high-pitched yelp.

If your young pup is nipping and biting at you it's important to put a stop to this behavior before it gets out of hand. One effective approach for stopping this behavior is to mimic the yelp of a hurt puppy when your little friend digs their teeth into you. A loud little 'OW' in a high-pitched voice should startle your puppy and cause them to back off. When your puppy stops and backs off be sure to offer a reward for their good behavior.

If this approach leads your puppy to nip at you more aggressively, quietly stop playing with your puppy and walk away, or gently put your pup in their crate for some quiet time.

If the problem persists we recommend consulting your vet on any behavior issue your puppy is showing so that they can advise ways to correct them.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding people or pets. Always consult with a vet before making medical decisions for your pet. 

Are you worried about your young puppy chewing on everything in sight? Visit All Animal Clinic to get your puppy examined.

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